Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Truman show

            It his world we are just living in it, this phase is one of the best way to describe the movie “ The Truman show” starring Jim Carey. In the movie Carey’s character is unknowingly the star of his own TV show. During the course of the movie series of events happen causing him to question his reality. The movie share similar characteristic to the story “The allegory of the cave” in that the character views of reality is being control. In the movie Truman is cut off from the outside world and perception of reality is being control by his surrogate Father the TV director Christof played by Ed Harris. Eventually Truman conquers fears and breaks free of his paper and plastic world and enter the real world. I own a copy of  the movie and have watching the movie five times and I see new things everything time I see it; but there is always  one questions that always that both me about the ending.  

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